Entre los resultados cabe citar el descubrimiento y seguimiento de varias eclipsantes, EW, EB y EA, así como de RR Lyrae del tipo RRab y RRc, una cefeida y otras variables de diversos tipos. Parte de estos trabajos han sido publicados, parte están siendo analizados y otros aún están en curso:
Agujeros Negros (Forats Negres) Miercoles 2 Junio 1993: 9.30h L'Ametlla del vallès
Presentación a cargo de Antonio Garrigós Sánchez
Conferenciantes: Jorge Casares (Astrofísico) Descubridor del primer candidato a agujero negro
J. Mª Gómez Forrellat (Reconocido Astrónomo).
Jorge Casares expuso su descubrimiento de V 404 Cyg
J.Mª Gómez hizo una magistral síntesis de los conocimientos que entonces se tenían de la morfología planetaria aportados por las sondas espaciales.
NSV 09136, an RR Lyrae star in Ophiuchus, Garrigós Sánchez, A., Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 4356 (1996). Segunda cefeida descubierta por el GEA: http://www.astrogea.org/var2/1771~1.htm
Apoyo en el XII (1999) Certamen de Jóven Investigadores a Núria Pérez y Sara Carreras del IES de Castellar "Seguint les pampallugues: estudi d'un estel variable (Estudio de una estrella variable). Premiados por el trabajo. The New EB System GSC 4741_1263, Garrigós-Sánchez, A., Gómez-Forrellad, J.M., García-Melendo, E., Vidal-Sainz, J., Juan-Samsó, J., Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 4885 (2000). NSV 01754: a New Eclipsing Binary System in Orion, Garrigós-Sánchez, A., Vidal-Sainz, J., Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 4886 (2000). The detached eclipsing binary system GX Gem, F. Sánchez-Bajo, A. Garrigós-Sánchez, J. M. Gómez-Forrellad, J. Nomen-Torres, W. Kleikamp, P. Frank, W. Moschner, W. Quester, E. García-Melendo, Astronomische Nachrichten 324, No. 6, 511-515 (2003)The Blazhko Project (2006): http://www.univie.ac.at/tops/blazhko/index.html Photometric campaigns by the Blazhko Project K. Kolenberg 1;2, E. Guggenberger1 & the Blazhko collaboration3 Institut fur Astronomie, Turkenschanzstrasse 17, 1180 Vienna, Austria Instituut voor Sterrenkunde, Celestijnenlaan 200D, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium The Blazhko collaborators for photometric data (in alphabetical order): Ozan Aksu,
Photometric campaigns by the Blazhko Project
For instance, a combined photometric (Kolenberg et al. 2006) and spectroscopic
campaign was devoted to RR Lyr in 2004. We also carried out the rst
detailed studies of southern Blazhko targets (e.g., SS For, UV Oct).
for a better coverage of the light variations. It is crucial to su ciently cover
the both pulsation cycle (typically around half a day) and the longer Blazhko
cycle. More details can be found on the dedicated Blazhko Project website
Multisiteinvolving observing sites at complementary longitudes allow
studies are summarized below.
. Some implications of our photometric
may be explained through
its harmonics and an additional frequency, connected to a nonradial
mode (Kolenberg et al. 2006, Breger & Kolenberg 2006).
The observed equidistant triplet structures in the Blazhko variablescombinations of the main radial mode frequency,
et al. 2006, LaCluyz e et al. 2004) challenge the models linking the
modulation period directly to the rotation of the star.
Changing Blazhko periods, as observed in several stars (e.g., Kolenberg
& Kolenberg 2006) show variability with the Blazhko period. Nonlinear
convective pulsation models for RR Lyrae stars (Feuchtinger 1999) involving
only radial modes cannot easily reproduce the observed
Features in the light curve such as the hump and bump (GuggenbergerFourierat dierent Blazhko phases (Pikall, private communication).
mode identi cation, a
for RR Lyrae stars would be a valuable addition. For such a method to
work, data obtained in
V and I would be required to increase the discriminating power.
Since the nonlinear behaviour of the radial mode complicates spectroscopicphotometric mode identi cation methoddierent photometric passbands such as B,
the Austrian Fonds zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, project
number P17097-N02.
Part of this investigation has been supported by
Blazhko, S.N., 1907, Astron. Nachr. 175, 325
Breger, M., & Kolenberg, K., 2006, A&A, in press
Feuchtinger, M.U., 1999, A&A 351, 103
Guggenberger, E., & Kolenberg, K., 2006, this proceedings
Kolenberg, K. et al. 2006, A&A 459, 577
LaCluyz e, A., et al., 2004, AJ, 127, 1653
Comm. in Asteroseismology
Vol. 148, 2006.
A large fraction of the RR Lyrae stars are modulated on time scales of
typically tens to hundreds of days. Though this phenomenon, denoted the
Blazhko e
ect, has been discovered a century ago (Blazhko 1907), there is still
no consensus on its cause. The Blazhko Project is an international collaboration
focused on understanding the modulation. We discuss some results of the
photometric multi-site campaigns so far, and their implications for the models
proposed to explain the Blazhko e
Nowadays, most plausible hypotheses to explain the phenomenon focus on
a resonance or magnetic elds (see Kolenberg et al. 2006 for details). Both
models involve nonradial modes. A straightforward detection and identi cation
of those modes would be a huge step forward. Simultaneous photometric
and high-resolution spectroscopic data combined with mode identi cation techniques
devised for RR Lyrae stars are likely to make this possible.
Long-term photometric campaigns ensure the required frequency resolution.
The valuable data sets resulting from large scale surveys often do not yield the
required precision and coverage for detailed light curve studies. Therefore,
dedicated campaigns devoted to a small number of Blazhko stars remain of
particular importance, since observed changes in the periods, amplitudes and
phases provide constraints for the models explaining the modulation. Our photometric
data were recorded with photomultipliers and CCD cameras using 15
erent telescopes in the range of 0.25 to 1.0 m and have accuracies ranging
from 2 up to 15 mmag. A dozen selected targets have been observed
so far from both hemispheres yielding over 1500 hours of photometric data.
Berahitdin Albayrak, Paul Beck, Michel Breger, Asli Elmasl , Antonio Garrigós Sánchez,
Kosmas Gazeas, Dieter Husar, Patricia Lampens, Patrick Lenz, Jan Lub, Andreas Leitner,
Thebe Medupe, Tim Mogwetsky, Boitumelo Ngwato, Ibrahim Ozavc , Holger Pikall,
Johannes Puschnig, Piet Reegen, C.W. Robertson, Lukas Schmitzberger, Selim O. Selam,
Bob Shobbrook, Horace Smith, Nermin Deniz Ulus, Paul Van Cauteren
Revista Science (2007):
The Citizen Scientist
Hobbyists who love the night sky are finding that their skills, and telescopes, are in demand with academic astronomers
BARCELONA, SPAIN--By day, Antonio Garrigós-Sánchez...
Forrest M. Mims III.
Estudio fotométrico de la binaria eclipsante GR Vir. (presentado en congreso de astronomía poster explicativo)
1 Antonio Garrigós Sánchez, 2 Teófilo Arranz Heras,3 Florentino Sánchez Bajo y 4 José Manuel Vaquero Martínez
1.Observatorio Antonio Garrigós (L'Ametlla del Vallès) , 2 Observatorio "Las pegueras" Navas de Oro (Segovia), 3 y 4 Departamento de física aplicada de la Universidad de Extremadura.
Photometric campaigns for the Blazhko Project (2007)
Journal: Communications in Astroseismology, Vol. 150, p.381
Bibliographic Code: 2007CoAst.150..381K
Descubrimiento de un Asteroide 2009 BY7
DISCSTATUS V5.2a Report prepared 2015 July 4
Status Report for Obs. de L' Ametlla del Valles, Barcelona
Number of designations found = 4
Count Designation Principal Orbit
1 : 2009 BY7 ANGA05 : (438829) * : Numbered object
2 : 2009 BC79 ANGA06 : (384184) : Numbered object
3 : 2009 XZ ANGA09 : (369813) : Numbered object
4 : 2011 FA17 ANGA19 : (436507) + : Numbered object
the principal designation if the object is involved in a
double designation or identification. When the principal designation
is a numbered object, the designation is followed by an asterisk
if you are credited with the discovery of that numbered object. The
asterisk is followed by 'N' if the object has been named.
Colaboración en el descubrimiento de un nuevo Asteroide:
Bernhard Haeusler, Rimpar, Germany MPC code: B82 Maidbronn
Comunicado de prensa: